Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is the 16th Asantehene, (King of the Asante). He ascended the Golden Stool on 26th April 1999. He is a direct descendant of the founder of the Asante Kingdom, Osei Tutu l.


Born on 6th May 1950 and named Barima Kwaku Duah, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is the youngest of the five children of Nana Afua Kobi Serwaa Ampem II, Asantehemaa (Queenmother of Asante) from 1977-2016. From early childhood, Barima Kwaku Duah came under the tutelage of his Uncle, Oheneba Mensah Bonsu who had been enstooled as Hiahene in 1952.

Oheneba Mensah Bonsu, therefore, ensured that Barima Kwaku Duah benefited from a childhood of careful grooming in Asante traditions and statecraft.

The young Royal was given his Secondary Education at Sefwi Wiawso Secondary School in the Western North Region of Ghana where his guardian was Nana Kwadwo Aduhene II, Omanhene (Paramount Chief) of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area. Barima Kwaku Duah returned to Kumasi in 1969 and enrolled at the Osei Kyeretwie Secondary School. He then moved to Accra in 1971 and was admitted at the Institute of Professional Studies, Legon for a course in Accountancy.

Two years later, he travelled to the United Kingdom and continued his

Accountancy Studies at the Kilburn Polytechnic. He later attended the University of North London where he read Human Resource Development and Public Administration.

By the time he returned to Ghana in 1989 to establish his own business, Transpomech International (Ghana) Ltd., he had behind him a wealth of experience which he had gathered working as Senior Consultant with Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company of Toronto; Finance Officer at the British firm Oxon, in London; and as Personnel Administrator at the Manpower Services Commission attached to Brent Council in London.

His Ascension

Barima Kwaku Dua’s nomination to succeed his late brother Otumfuo Opoku Ware II, as Asantehene, was received with universal acclaim in the Asante Kingdom and Ghana in general. He ascended the Golden Stool with a natural gift of calm and radiance, which instantly inspires loyalty and motivates people round him. He learnt values of courtesy and tact in dealing with both his peers and subjects; he had grown up with a conviction that traditional leadership rests on a capacity to reconcile, mend, heal wounds and motivate people.

Vision And Traditional Accomplishments

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has won great admiration for the unique brand of leadership he has provided the people of Asante, in particular, and Ghana in general, since he assumed the high office of Asantehene and the enormous responsibilities that go with the position. Ever mindful of the importance of peace and stability to good governance, one of his first tasks was to encourage his people to seek the path of arbitration instead of litigation in numerous land and succession disputes that had plagued Asanteman for decades.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has brought peace and reconciliation to his Kingdom ever since he has been in power. So far he has been able to settle over five hundred land and Chieftaincy disputes which could have sparked of agitations and conflicts in his Kingdom and elsewhere. He has established a solid foundation for co-operation between tradition and modernism, by emphasizing the need for tradition to redefine itself in a rapidly changing world without losing its essence.

In recognition of this unique leadership role, the Government of Ghana appointed him Chairman of a Committee of Eminent Chiefs to resolve the Yendi Skin Affairs which had already resulted in the murder of the King of Dagbon and other sub-chiefs and whose effect was the looming conflict which could have destabilized Ghana as a whole. A lot of work has been done in this sphere and the intervention has stemmed the tide favorably.

He has been able to perform these tasks with great wisdom and tenacity of purpose, earning for himself remarkable respect among the people. The vision of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II encompasses education, health and economic development.

New Initiatives

He set up the Otumfuo Education Fund to generate resources, as an effort to provide opportunities for quality Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Vocational Education not only in his Kingdom, but also in Ghana generally. In 2000, he embarked upon a vigorous campaign to draw attention to the benefits of individual / group sponsorship of the education of orphaned children. Since its inception, the Otumfuo Education Fund has benefited over Hundred Thousand (100,000) students at various levels of education.

He has also set up the Serwaa Ampem Aids Foundation for children under the leadership of his wife, Lady Julia Osei Tutu to help children who have become victims of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

These two bodies now operate under the umbrella of the Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Charity Foundation whose mandate appears unrestricted and which is doing remarkably well in the area of supporting people in different spheres of endeavor.

It was his keen determination to enhance the quality of education of

Ghanaians that he received the commendation of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, conferring on him the Symons Award in April,2000.

International Recognition

Besides this, the underlisted Universities have given him Honorary Doctorate Degrees.



Essex County College Newark, U.S.A

University of Maryland, Eastern Shore U.S.A

Savannah State University U.S.A

University of Glasgow, Scotland

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology

University of Ghana Legon, Ghana

Igbinedeon University, Okada, Nigeria

Metropolitan University, London

University of East London

22nd May 2001

25th May 2001

6th June 2001

June 2001

15th Dec. 2001

12th Mar. 2004

25th Nov. 2007

3rd Dec. 2007

3rd Sept. 2018

To crown it, he has been appointed Chancellor of one of the most prestigious universities in Africa, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

Another initiative of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, is the Health Fund he has established to pursue a basic health care plan whose laudable objectives include financial and material support for the reduction of maternal and infant mortality, glaucoma and other eye diseases, Buruli Ulcer (which has become the bane of many rural dwellers in the country), as well as the eradication of Guinea worm disease.

In this direction, Otumfuo is supporting Rotary Club’s campaign to promote inoculation of children against the six killer diseases including polio.

World Bank Support

In his own initiative, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II secured a World Bank grant with the approval of the Government of Ghana for a pilot project entiltled; “Promoting Partnerships with Traditional Authorities Project” (PPTAP). This initiative has thrown a challenge to our Traditional Leaders to demonstrate their capacity to use their own resources in response to financial support made available by the Government or the World Bank to help develop their communities.

Under the Project, new school buildings have been built, old ones have been rehabilitated, and teachers residential quarters have been erected with facilities for potable water and electricity supply: HIV/AIDS and general health campaign in co-operation with the state agencies has be stepped up in the rural areas.

The Project has put our traditional leaders into a new learning process to lead their people in community development programmes, and has created awareness of the value of our cultural heritage, including art and artifacts, as well as our traditional court systems in conflict resolution.

Otumfuo’s vision includes the setting up of an Asanteman Economic Revitalisation Plan to promote private and corporate investment in Local Industries, re-afforestation, and irrigation programmes. He has already extended invitation to all prospective investors to Ashanti, with a firm promise of easy access to land.

interactions with world leaders and dignitaries

State Visits and Courtesy Calls

Vision for Peace

His penchant for peace and democracy moved him to assemble and convince leaders of the various political parties in Ghana to sign a pledge to ensure peace before, during and after Ghana’s Presidential and Parliamentary elections in 2012.

Conversely, he has also made a historic visit to Seychelles Islands where one of his predecessors, King Prempeh I, was exiled to by the British for resisting their imperialism during his reign. He did not return to his Kingdom until after 27 years.

The King has also addressed the Chatham House in the United Kingdom on the need for a forum for dialogue among the various religions. He proposed the creation of a forum akin to the World Economic Forum for the pursuit of such a dialogue.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II stands tall as a visionary, a Great Leader of Asanteman, leading in the preservation of cultural heritage as well as combining modernism and tradition to promote peace and stability, education, health, and economic development of his people.

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